Fostering equity in CS education helps bridge the digital divide, cultivates diverse talent in technology fields, and fosters innovation. The following educational resources offer different perspectives necessary to bring equity in our classrooms: from teacher preparation to designing student-centered CS education.
PACE brought together the various change agents within each participating district to focus on ensuring that they recognize and address systemic inequities, practice equitable and inclusive pedagogies, and encourage and support students to explore, choose, plan, and complete computer science pathways as part of their educational journeys. During this summit, the participants were assigned readings and attended presentations to learn research-based strategies to broaden computer science participation.
- What Can I Do? Leadership Strategies to broaden participation in CS by Bryan Cox
- Behind the Magic: Teaching Practices that Lay Foundations for Engagement, Rigor, and Creativity in CS by Deborah A. Fields & Mia S. Shaw
- Instructional Strategies to Promote Equitable Learning in the CS Classroom by Shuchi Grover
- Systemic Change to Improve Equity in CS Student Achievement by Melody Hagaman
- Instructional Strategies that Specifically Promote Equitable Learning in the CS Classroom by Omar Shepherd
- Instructional Strategies that Specifically Promote Equitable Learning in the CS Classroom by Faythe Brannon
Participating in Literacies and Computer Science (PiLa-CS) is an educational initiative designed to support bi/multilingual students in computer science. This program aims to support teachers to integrate computer science into classrooms serving bi/multilingual students.
Equitable Computer Science by the Kapor Center is a comprehensive effort committed to achieving equity and inclusion in computer science education. It focuses on addressing disparities in access, representation, and opportunities in computer science. The program implements various strategies, resources, and partnerships to promote diversity, empower underrepresented groups, and create inclusive environments in CS education.