There are thousands of videos online to choose from when looking for diverse representations of people, jobs and industries that apply computer science skills. The following resources group them into three categories: resources found on, a selection of inspiring videos for your students, and additional resources for teachers to explore. After exploring some of these videos, we hope your students understand how relevant computer science education and skills are for their professional lives. offers a Teacher Guide for engaging students in CS Journeys, including email templates for families to support CS education at home.
Two to four-minute videos of professionals applying computer science in an array of industries and for different purposes. Videos in the series include employees at NASA, the entertainment venue Meow Wolf, computer security at Tanium, Instagram, Microsoft, and Google. We selected a video that demonstrates a CS application in marine biology.
- Software Engineer at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Learn how computers can help scientists study the deep ocean. This video can be played in the classroom to introduce a discussion of CS careers in STEM industries. Length: 2:22 minutes.
Career chats are recorded webinar interviews of a diverse group of people who use CS in different careers including entertainment, science, and healthcare. Students will learn about their career trajectories and the various ways they can use CS to make a positive impact.
- Artificial Intelligence and Sports. This recording of a 30-minute conversation with a Chief Scientist at a sports data company details ways AI helps analyze sporting events. Examples of sports include basketball, soccer, and tennis. This video can be assigned to watch in full or shown a brief clip in the classroom (suggested clip 9:00-13:00). Length: 30 minutes.
- Teacher Guide for Career Chats for engaging students with these CS Journey webinars. (PDF)
- Amazon Web Services data center tour on Kahoot. In this Amazon Future Engineer tour, students discover how data centers play an important role in streaming their favorite movies and TV shows. Teachers can implement this as a classroom lesson with the facilitator guide and student worksheet in the teacher toolkit. Length: 30 min. (Kahoot activity)
- To view additional virtual field trips, visit the website.
- org – Career Overviews: Videos about CS careers and descriptions of required skillsets for each of the roles
- CS Teaching Career Videos: Dozens of videos of computer scientists in different roles and organizations
- Skype a Scientist: Fill out the teacher form and get matched with a computer scientist
- TECHNOLOchicas: Video profiles of Latinas in CS careers