Out of School

Out-of-school CS opportunities broaden students’ horizons by offering diverse, hands-on experiences beyond formal education. They foster creativity, problem-solving, and practical skills, encouraging a deeper engagement with computer science. The programs listed below are a combination of online, after school and summer opportunities for your students to deepen their computer science expertise, preparing students for future careers in technology. Note: some summer opportunities open closer to the summer.

  • Code.org Beyond Extracurricular: Code.org’s Beyond Extracurricular section offers a curated collection of resources, clubs, and activities beyond the regular school curriculum. It provides links to coding clubs, camps, competitions, and events aimed at encouraging students to engage in computer science outside of school hours.
  • CoderDojo: CoderDojo is a global network of free, volunteer-led coding clubs for kids and teens aged 7 to 17. These clubs offer a supportive and collaborative environment where young learners can explore programming, develop digital skills, and create their own projects. The Massachusetts Dojos are in Concord and Roxbury.
  • Project GUTS: Project GUTS (Growing Up Thinking Scientifically) is an educational initiative aimed at teaching computational thinking and modeling to middle school students. With a focus on computer science and complex systems, Project GUTS provides teachers with curriculum materials, training, and ongoing support to integrate hands-on, inquiry-based activities into their classrooms or offer an after-school club.
  • STEAM Ahead: A nonprofit offering various summer programs designed to encourage interest and participation in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.