Professional Learning Community
In order to provide enhanced teacher and school staff support, the PACE Framework provides a multi-pronged continuous support system that includes a robust facilitated professional learning community that inspires and engages educators and includes a technical assistance request/advice helpline for rapid-response coaching and implementation support that is staffed by trained facilitators that are seasoned classroom implementers of CS Discoveries.

District Stakeholder Council Meetings
The District Stakeholder Council (DSC) is made up of key stakeholders who work toward achieving the district’s CS goals. This often entails shepherding the development of CS pathways, establishing practices that ensure participation, and creating systems and structures to sustain efforts. The DSC meets regularly to set and work towards district CS goals, monitor and make improvements to activities, and ensure sustainability of activities.

CS Discoveries Support
CS Discoveries teachers are support through 1) a professional learning program that includes a summer Professional Learning Institute supplemented with workshops offered throughout the year, and 2) a professional learning community that includes rapid response coaching and implementation support.

Continuous Educational Support
The PACE Framework puts a spotlight on designing district-based practices for opportunity, and achievement in computer science education. To that end, PACE Continuous Educational Support weaves together monthly meetings and summer Summits to bring together the various change agents and participating districts to focus on ensuring that they encourage and support students to explore, choose, plan, and complete computer science pathways as part of their educational journeys.