CS Discoveries Support
The The CS Discoveries Professional Learning Program, designed by Code.org and delivered in Massachusetts by CSforMA, Inc., promotes professional growth in the learning of the fundamentals of computer science by providing a supportive space for teachers to become comfortable with CS Discoveries curricular materials, CS content, and pedagogy. The year-long program (one week in the summer followed by school-year workshops) helps teachers develop the content knowledge, teaching practices, and supportive peer network needed to successfully deliver the Computer Science Discoveries course. The program supports teachers with various teaching backgrounds as they prepare to teach Computer Science Discoveries. Teachers learn how to inspire students as they create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, and problem-solving.
The extensive use of personally relevant topics coupled with visuals of various learning communities help educators and parents understand that CS is relevant to ALL rural students and valuable to them.
In summer 2021, educators can choose from three one-week workshops –July 26-30; August 2-6 or August 9-13. Teachers submitting an application at Professional Learning Program Details | Code.org will automatically be accepted into the program at no cost to the educator or their district thanks to the generous contributions from Code.org and local businesses. Stipends for teachers are included in the annual budget provided to each of the PACE school districts.