Professional Learning

Meeting 2: CS Discoveries Curriculum

DSC members will develop a shared understanding of the CS Discoveries curriculum and training and identify district system supports and gaps/challenges for development of a CS pathway.

  • registration
    • Complete registration and get access to CS Discoveries
  • View this overview video (2:32) about CS Discoveries. As you are viewing, consider:
    • What Meeting 1 questions does this video answer for you?
    • What new questions does this video raise for you, if any?
    • What parts of this video do you think would be most important for teachers in your district to see or understand?
  • Complete the PACE District Landscape Survey

Participants are assigned to three teams, with at least one teacher on each team. Each team reviews their assigned section of the CS Discoveries curriculum guide.

  1. Team 1: pp 1-4  overview; Unit 1; Watch the Unit 1 video (The Problem Solving Process with Zipline ) (in curriculum) and complete the first word search activity p.1 and the reflection on p. 5 in this sample student worksheet.
  2. Team 2: pp 1-4  overview; Unit 2; Watch the Unit 2 video on (Web Development: Intro to CSS ) (in curriculum) and do the CSS activities puzzle 5 & puzzle 6.
  3. Team 3: pp 1-4  overview; Unit 3; Watch the Unit 3 video on (Game Lab: Intro to Drawing ) (in curriculum) and do the activity in puzzle 4.
  4. CS Discoveries Through the Student Lens
    1. How will students, in particular, female students of color, experience this curriculum?  What is exciting or unexpected?
    2. What did you like and/or find difficult?
  5. CS Discoveries from the teacher perspective
    1. In what ways does this unit support and/or challenge your current perception of CS education?
    2. What do you predict teachers will like or find challenging?
    3. How can inclusive teaching practices be used in this lesson to engage all students, including female students and students of color?
  6. Large group sharing and discussion
    1. Large group discussion: common themes, challenges, implications for teacher support
    2. Next steps: what steps need to be taken as follow-up?
  1. Revisit the district CS vision statement.
    1. Is there any part of the draft vision statement you would revise or remove? Why?
    2. Come to consensus on revised language
  2. Participants will use the collaborative data study protocol to examine district data in order to identify priority areas to focus DSC efforts to ensure the effective implementation and sustainability of a CS pathway.

Collaborative Data Study Protocol

  • Review the purpose of examining the data and the question(s) the data are meant to address, in particular any areas that show issues related to equity.
  • Circulate copies of the data (data infrastructure survey, data landscape survey, DESE CS data) in either graphical or visual ways to support thoughtful analysis. Each person silently studies the data and makes notes of observations and questions.
  • Ask clarifying questions about the data. Make sure each person fully understands the organization and meaning of the data.
  • Observe what you see in the data without judgement or interpretation.
  • Interpret/Infer what the data reveal.
  • Identify lessons learned.
  1. View the Digital Equity Walk. Think about what images, facts, or questions stand out to you the most and why.
  2. Read Seeking Equitable Computer Science Education in Massachusetts: How Well Are We Doing? and review the data shown in Figures 1-10.
  3. Prepare for a Meeting 3 Equity Jigsaw. You have been assigned to one of 2 DSC mini-teams, with at least one teacher on each team. Each team should review the assigned equity reading below and be prepared to discuss the questions that follow. DSC members may record their responses prior to the meeting in the shared Google doc provided.)
Team 1Team 2 (rural districts)Team 2 (large high needs districts)
Article: The State of Girls in K-12 Computer Science ClassroomsArticle: Computer Science Learning: Closing the GapArticle: Diversity Gaps in Computer Science: Exploring the Underrepresentation of Girls, Blacks and Hispanics
Discussion Questions
  • What do you think are some of the root causes for this equity gap?
  • What are you currently doing to engage girls in CS or in STEM?
  • What issues do you anticipate engaging girls in CS? What are some of the reasons for these issues?
  • What aspects of a gender-specific approach might work in your school/district?
Discussion Questions
  • What do you think are some of the root causes for this equity gap?
  • What is the demand for CS in your school/district?
  • How is the access and exposure to CS and tech?
  • What strategies for closing the gap for rural and small-town schools might work in your school/district?
Discussion Questions
  • What do you think are some of the root causes for this equity gap?
  • Which of the structural barriers do you see in your school/district? What can be done in your school/district to address these structural barriers?
  • Which of the social barriers do you see in your school/district? What can be done in your school/district to address social barriers?
  • What other barriers do you anticipate for your school/district? What can be done to address these barriers?